The Maytag exam is a sample exam for our course in Financial Reporting. It is good practice for those Associates taking the summer 2011 exemption exam

The Pactiv exam is a sample exam for our course in Financial Reporting. It is good practice for those Associates taking the summer 2011 exemption exam. Review the solution notes after taking the exam.

The American Greetings exam is a sample exam for our course in Financial Statement Analysis and Applied Corporate Finance.

The Andrew exam is a sample exam for Financial Reporting. It is good practice for those Associates taking the winter 2011 exemption exam. Review the solution notes after taking the exam.

The Danaher exam is a sample exam for Financial Reporting. It is good practice for those Associates taking the summer 2011 exemption exam. Review the solution notes after taking the exam.

The Danaher Analytics exam is a sample exam for Applied Analytics. It is good practice for Associates.

The Bunge exam is a sample exam for Applied Analytics. It is good practice for analysis. Review the solution notes after taking the exam.

The Bunge exam solution notes.

The Medamicus exam is a sample exam for Financial Reporting. The financial statements contain some very good disclosure on fixed and intangible assets. Review the solution notes after taking the exam.

The Pactiv exam solution notes.

The Review Quiz for summer analysts 2006.

The CORE exam is a sample exam for Financial Reporting. It is good practice for those Associates taking the summer 2011 exemption exam. Review the solution notes after taking the exam.

The DaimlerChrysler exam is a sample exam for our course in Applied Analytics for Associates. There are no solution notes, but EMail us if you would like solution notes.

The DaimlerChrysler solution notes are for the sample exam for our course in Applied Analytics for Associates. These are solution notes, EMail us if you would like these solution notes.

Some of the exams are password protected. EMail us for the passwords. Please come back
as we will be posting
more exams for your review
in the near future